
So, it's been a while...

I know it's been a REALLY long time since I've updated, but #sorrynotsorry I have been SO busy working.

I'm still working both of my jobs, so I haven't really had a lot of free time and when I do have free time it's usually spent snuggled up to my sweet husband! I might be downgrading to one job in the near future, but for now... I am still going to be hella busy. :)

SO, for fitness updates, I have lost 32 lbs total. Woop woop! I'm getting closer and closer to that -37 mark. I have decided to go ahead and try to lose down to 140 instead of 145, so I'll actually have  12 more lbs to go. Oh well, it will happen.
I've started focusing more on running, and can actually hold my own pretty well. Each time I run I challenge myself more and I go further and faster. It makes me really happy to see this progress. I'm also noticing a lot more muscle definition in my legs and arms! Abs to come soon, I hope.. if I get ever get this last layer of chub off. :) I will admit it's a lot harder to get to the gym now that I'm working 6 days a week, sometimes 14 hour days between the two jobs. But, at least since I work at the gym I can work out at work!

So, for my life update...
Brad and I are doing very well :) Like I said, I'm still working at both places. Sunday night at our mandatory meeting at Tilly's they announced that I am employee of the month! Go me! I really love working there. It has it's challenges like any other job, but I am truly happy there. Things are the same at the gym, it's not a lot to do, but the people are nice and I love being able to give people advice and help with fitness. 
Bradley and I were blessed with our first niece this month! Little miss Kyleigh Braiden <3 What a doll. We can't wait to meet her (if we can ever get home!) this year. Not much else has really happened, because we don't have a whole lot of time to do things! We both work a lot.
Oh well, at least absence makes the heart grow fonder & we appreciate the time we DO have together.

Tomorrow I will try to remember to upload some pictures of the past few months! I work only a half day tomorrow, so maybe after I catch on some housework I will be able to do so :)

I hope everyone has a fabulous week!



So, it's been busy...

I haven't blogged in a hot minute, and for that I am sorry. BUT I have been working like cray cray ova here. I got a second job at the Navy Gym (wooo Navy Fitness!) and it has been super buy since I started both jobs. I've done well balancing my working out with the job, but the past week in my laws are here and I only worked out twice. Oops. Back to normal again!

SO, I just wanted to share with you my little victory that I am proud of.
Yesterday I walked out of my house in a bikini for the first time with CONFIDENCE. Bradley and I went paddle boating and I wore my bathing suit. I was a little scared at first, but after I was all girly and took like 50000000 pictures of myself to see how "fat" I looked, I realized I didn't look or feel fat at all!

This is me in January 2012. Big & not so happy.

This is me, May 28, 2012. Lounging happy & proud in my bikini :)

hard work pays off!

the moral of the story here is that hard work does pay off. I am so happy with my results and cannot wait to see how far I go!


No more slacking!

Hey everyone!
So, yep, I didn't update last week! Oops!
I have only lost .8 lbs in the last 2 weeks. Sucks for me, but I'm not gonna lie, I got a big head and slacked a little. I have been taking advantage of the fact that my metabolism is very high for the first time in my life, and I've been snacking more and slacking on working out because I wasn't gaining. Well, that stopped this week. I'm back on my normal eating & exercise routine!
Hallelujah for good friends, family, and inspiration. 

So, we have an exciting weekend coming up!
Tomorrow is my 21st birthday!

We aren't going out and getting drunk or anything crazy at all.
I think we are going to wait until Friday because Brad doesn't work Saturday and Dark Shadows comes out Friday! SO, Friday we will go to the movie tavern here & have dinner and a movie. :) So excited! I can't wait!
This is my motto for every day this weekend!

Hope you guys have a fabulous rest of the week and weekend!



Weigh In!

Hey hey ya'll!
I'm pleased to announce that I have lost 1.2 lbs since last week, bringing my loss up to 25.2 lbs! Haaaay!

I am really proud and excited! :D I'm glad now that I took my deadline away and just changed my lifestyle to be healthy! My new lifestyle is awesome, and I love it.  This is going to be a short update, because I have to get my hiney to the gym!

I will try to update again before my next weigh in, but I won't make any promises!


Weigh In!

Hey hey ya'll!
SO, since last week I have lost (drumroll please) 2.6 lbs! Yeaaahh baby!
My total loss is now 24 lbs. Ahhh, amazing. I only have 13 lbs to go!

I have posted my results thus far on facebook, but why not post them here too?
- Jan 4               - April 17
So, this is like my last week of TF, and these are my results so far! I feel amazing, and cannot wait to continue on my journey.  For the next month, I am in BEAST MODE! Holllla!



Weigh In!

It's Wednesday, and you know what this means! Weigh in!
Since last week I have lost 1.4 lbs! My loss is 21.4 lbs. :) 
I am so excited! Only 15.4 to go, and I am going to knock it off fastttt. Or so I hope...

So, this past weekend we went to Alabama for Easter! I love my home town so much. I miss my family all the time. We had a great time seeing family! 
On the way down to AL

I got my belly button pierced too! It was my -20lb reward, and it was AWESOME!
Belly Button! Pierced by Silas Carroll @ Aces and Eights tattoo!

I love it. It wasn't as painful as I thought it would be, but boy does it itch now! I am supposed to clean it 5x a day, and even on the trip home I stopped and washed it a ton.

We had some sleeeepy pups on the way back and the first day back in VA. They were so worn out but they LOVED seeing their puppy frans at grandma's house. :) 
So, I'm gonna finish this& hopefully I will blog again before next Wednesday!

Sweepy boys!

that's all I have for now, when I get more pics sent from fam I'll upload! :)





This girl. Right here.

I have lost .8 lbs since my last entry meaning I have lost TWENTY POUNDS EXACTLY.
Words cannot express the happiness I feel!
I have 18 pounds to go and I am at my goal! What up! I am so happy. So so happy!
Hard work pays off!

So, this weekend my husband and I are going to Alabama for Easter and I am very excited! My dad really wanted us to come celebrate Easter at his house, so we decided to take a mini vaca and go to Bama! We will only be there for a few days, and we have really only made time for family, so please don't be upset if we can't see you! We will be back in June, and for a little longer so that will be more time to see everyone! I have a job interview tomorrow right before we leave too! Pray that I get it, because I for reals need a job. Being a stay at home wife is fun, but not for me, haha. I need a job!

I am bringing my TF with me to AL and I will keep up with that, and try to run with B while we are there, but we will have no gym access. :( So, let's pray these lbs stay off while we're there!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday!
